Seminar within the series of research seminars organised and hosted by the Language, Ideology & Power (LIP) Research Group, Department of Linguistics & English Language, Lancaster University, 13 February 2024. Title of seminar: “Constructions of parent-child identities on social media: Evidence from new Greek migrant parents in Germany and the UK”.
Seminar within the series of research seminars organised and hosted by the Lab for the Ethnographic Study of Language, Department of Social Anthropology and History, University of the Aegean, 28 February 2023. Title of seminar: “Sharenting και ταυτότητες: Ελληνική νεομετανάστευση, γονεϊκότητα και μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης” [Sharenting and identities: New Greek migration, parenting and social media]
Seminar within the series of research seminars organised by Prof. Maria Sifianou for the course Pragmatic Awareness in English as a Foreign Language (MA in Linguistics: Theory and Applications, Department of English Language & Literature, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), 8 May 2022. Title of seminar: “Researching internet language”.
Seminar within the series of research seminars (Kolloquium) organised and hosted by the Department of German Language and Literature, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 4 December 2018. Title of seminar: “Κατασκευές της ελληνικής νεομεταναστευτικής ταυτότητας στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης” [Constructions of Greek neomigrant identities in social media]
Seminar within the series of research seminars organised and hosted by the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 16 March 2016. Title of seminar: “Ψηφιακές αφηγήσεις της ελληνικής κρίσης: Η περίπτωση του Facebook” [Digital narratives of the Greek crisis: The case of Facebook].
Seminar within the frame of the research project Language and Superdiversity: (Dis)identification in social media. Department of Languages, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 5 February 2014. Title of seminar: “Music, discourse and identity on Facebook”.
Seminar within the frame of the research project Language and Superdiversity: (Dis)identification in social media. Department of Languages, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 30 October 2013. Title of seminar: “Researching social media discourse: Insights from a study on Greek Facebook users”.
Seminar within the frame of the Literacy Research Discussion Group, Lancaster University, 13 May 2013. Title of seminar: “‘It’s very awful and none of us had expected it’: Greek crisis and stance-taking on Facebook”.
Language and Social Media: New Challenges for Research and Teaching Linguistics Seminar, University of Leicester, UK, 27 April 2012. Title of seminar: “‘I don’t have to display my history online’: Discourse practices of securing privacy in Facebook”. A review of the seminar, written by Ruth Page, can be found here.
Seminar given to the Literacy Research Discussion Group, Lancaster University, 28 June 2011. Title of seminar: “The discursive performance of self in social network sites”.