- Γκαλά, Γ. & Γεωργάλου, Μ. (2023). Κινούμενα σχέδια και οπτικές αναπαραστάσεις του φύλου: Διδακτική πρόταση κριτικού γραμματισμού για παιδιά πρωτοσχολικής ηλικίας. Προσχολική & Σχολική Εκπαίδευση 11(1): 76-102.
- Νιώτη, Λ. & Γεωργάλου, Μ. (2021). «Αν το σενάριο εξυπηρετεί, τότε γίνεται ‘είδηση’»: Αναλύοντας κριτικά ψευδείς ειδήσεις για τον Άλλο ["If the script is convenient, then it becomes 'news'": Critical analysis of fake news about the Other]. Γλωσσολογία/Glossologia 29.
- Georgalou, M. (2021). New Greek migrant (dis)identifications in social media: Evidence from a discourse-centred online ethnographic study. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 8, 155. [open access]
- Georgalou, M. (2021). Emotions and migration in social media discourse: A new Greek migrant case study. Emotion, Space & Society 38
- Γεωργάλου, Μ., Σαλτίδου Θ.Π., & Γρίβα, Ε. (2019). Νέοι «σε κρίση»/ στην κρίση: Κατασκευές της επιστημονικής μετανάστευσης στον λόγο Ελλήνων του εξωτερικού και των ΜΜΕ [Young people in crisis: Constructions of brain drain in the discourse of Greek neomigrants and the media]. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences 7(1): 94–113. [in Greek]
- Georgalou, M. (2019). Place identity construction in Greek neomigrants' social media discourse. Internet Pragmatics 2(1): 136-161. [final draft available here]
- Georgalou, M. (2016). “I make the rules on my Wall”: Privacy and identity management practices on Facebook. Discourse & Communication 10(1): 40-64.
In February 2016, I recorded a special video for Dr Julia Gillen's Understanding Media undergraduate course at Lancaster University since her students were studying my article ‘I make the rules on my Wall’: Privacy and identity management practices on Facebook. In this video I talk about the methodology of the article as well as how my interest in privacy on Facebook was engendered.
- Georgalou, M. (2015). Small stories of the Greek crisis on Facebook. Social Media + Society, July-December 2015.
- Georgalou, M. (2015). Beyond the Timeline: Constructing time and age identities on Facebook. Discourse, Context & Media 9: 24-33.